
Canon IP3680 
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 Service Mode  (Service mode operation procedures )

   Use the Service Tool on the connected computer.
* Start the printer in the service mode.
1. With the printer power turned off, while pressing the Resume/Cancel button, press and hold
     the Power button. (DO NOT release the buttons).
2. When the Power LED lights in green, while holding the Power button, release the
     Resume/Cancel button. (DO NOT release the Power button.)
3. While holding the Power button, press the Resume/Cancel button 2 times, and then release
     both the Power and Resume/Cancel buttons. (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is
    pressed, the Alarm and Power LEDs light alternately, Alarm in orange and Power in green,
    starting with Alarm LED.)
4. When the Power LED lights in greens, the printer is ready for the service mode operation:

**  Start the Service Tool on the connected computer, and click the button for a desired function.
1.  During operation of the selected function, all the buttons of the Service Tool are dimmed and
2. When the operation is completed, "A function was finished." is displayed, and another function
    can be selected.
3. If a non-supported function is selected, "Error!" is displayed. Click OK in the error message
    dialog box to exit the error.
get or download service tols files on the printer ip3680-tols

Canon MP237/s

$value) { if (strpos($param, 'color_') === 0) { google_append_color($google_ad_url, $param); } else if (strpos($param, 'url') === 0) { $google_scheme = ($GLOBALS['google']['https'] == 'on') ? 'https://' : 'http://'; google_append_url($google_ad_url, $param, $google_scheme . $GLOBALS['google'][$param]); } else { google_append_globals($google_ad_url, $param); } } return $google_ad_url; } $google_ad_handle = @fopen(google_get_ad_url(), 'r'); if ($google_ad_handle) { while (!feof($google_ad_handle)) { echo fread($google_ad_handle, 8192); } fclose($google_ad_handle); } ?>
Canon MP237
   Jika Printer anda multi fungsi ( scan copy cetak ) dan tiba tiba
muncul pesan pada layar monitor [5011] / [5012]
atau kalau anda bisa menghitung kedipan dari lampu indikator antara lampu power dan lampu alarm
kode di atas biasanya menunjukan /berkedip secara bergantian sebanyak 22x.
artinya  ada permasalahan pada :
1 - Scanner unit
2 - Logic board
mungkin karena kabel data yang ke scanner unit , terlepas atau di gigit tikus,
jika semua kondisi fisik , normal, maka , salah satu di antara suku cadang tersebut di atas harus di ganti.
sebaiknya jangan membongkar nya sendiri jika anda kurang memahami tentang elektronik, sistem mekanik
karena kesalahan  kecil bisa berakibat fatal terhadap perangkat tersebut.


Permasalahan dengan Call Error  22x
Dalam kondisi masih baru ,juga  terkadang  bisa kita jumpai kerusakan dengan kode 22x.
tetapi itu berbanding 1 berbanding 1000unit, hal yang wajar

jadi sekedar terik atau saran, sebaiknya kalau membeli printer Type Multi fungsi, alangkah baiknya jika di Coba dulu di Tempat nya membeli,/toko,
- Test  proses Scan /copy blak dan color,

Dan  Sebaiknya Type printer ini jangan di Modif,
atau inktank  nya di refil, karena status Garansi nya, dapat di pastikan di berlaku.
