bongkar masalah modifikasi printer

Canon MP245,258,198
Printer dengan Type di atas tergolong dalam produksi Untuk rumahan/
Home Edition yang artinya :printer ini ditujukan kepada konsumen Rumahan atau dengan kata lain       penggunaan printer ini  tidak terlalu sering,  sehingga untuk ini sebenarnya tidak perlu di modifikasi /di infus
alasan nya :
 1 Penggunaan yang jarang , mengakibatkan tinta dalam catrige sedikit mengental (karena cuaca)
 2 printer  MP198,Mp145 type ini dengan Menggunakan Catrit Aslinya (40,41 /830,831 )
   mampu mencetak hingga 500 halaman,
   Pertanyaan nya : apa mungkin pemakaian pribadi ( anak sekolah/kuliahan )mencetak sebanyak itu
   dalam 1 hari
Hematnya : maka sia sia memasangkan external tinta (tabung Infus) lebih parahnya  Garansi dari printer ini menjadi hilang
 Dan Jika printer dengan produksi untuk kelas Rumahan ini degunakan di perkantoran , inilah yang jadi masalah.  apalagi pemakainnya sangat tinggi maka akan sering terjadi masalah , MENGAPA
alasan Utama nya adalah : karena printer ini tdk di buat untuk perkantoran/dengan pemakaian tingkat tinggi
maka solusinnya adalah jika untuk perkantoran/pemakaian tingkat tinggi , maka gunakan lah printer yang memang di khususkan untuk perkantoran /Office Edition
Cari tahu Lebih detail perbedaan produksi Home Edition dan Office Edition dari produk Canon

Tetapi jika alasan Utama nya kita menggunakan printer type Home Edition, Karena Murah/menghemat anggaran, maka solusinya agar printer anda tetap awet.
1. jangan mencetak dengan sekali perintah lebih dari 10 halaman ?
   artinya : misalnya anda akan mencetak 150halaman, maka cetaklah dari  halaman 1 s/d 15. kemudian di        lanjut dengan halaman 16 s/d 30 dan begitu seterusnya .
 mengapa harus begitu ?  dengan ada nya jeda waktu ini , maka prinHead/Catrit mendapatkan waktu sejenak untuk mendinginkan permukaan Nozel, dan melakukan cleanning, dan mulai melanjutkan mencetak.
  ***************SELAMAT MENCOBA BERHEMAT *****************

kesalahan Modifikasi printer Berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi saya  begitu banyak terjadi  kesalahan , karena kurangnya pemahaman bagaimana printer dapat bekerja dengan baik setelah melakukan penambahan tabung ekstra.(tabung infus)

     Beberapa kesalahan yang sering saya temukan.
     1. instalasi hanya sekedar terpasang, (tidak diuji secara rinci)
     2 setiap  tambahan Unit pada printer, harus ada pengurangan pada fisik printer  itu sendiri (jika hal ini
        tidak dilakukan, maka printer pasti akan bermasalah)
     3 Kurang nya Pengetahuan tentang printer itu sendiri, dan kurangnya pemahaman tentang tujuan
        Seseorang pelanggan memasang unit tambahan (extra tabung )

putar Video nya coba di Youtobenya

Berikut kode / instruksi dari merek printer canon, yang telah dimodifikasi dan mengalami masalah karena instalasi / penambahan external tabung
mp250/258/189 canon printer, informasi kesalahan

  1= E: 02, = kertas tersangkut  / jam memeriksa ..pada umumnya
      (1) pada bagian dalam selang tersangkut pada mekanik
      (2) panjang selang yang terpasang tidak sesuai dengan Zona pergerakan horizontal catrige

2=. hasil cetak tidak sempurna,
masalah ini sering terjadi karena
(1) Mutu /Qualitas Tinta Yang Digunakan
(2) tutup pada tabung tidak posisi terbuka
(3) selang tersumbat
(4)  posisi  selang tinta terjepit / terlipat,

 Harga Standar Untuk Melakukan Modifikasi/pemasangan Infus dengan Qualitas Bagus
(,mutu tinta, Cara Pemasangan ,Penjelasan cara pemakaian) Rp.175.000 s/d 200.000, (Untuk 4 warna printer standar ) 

Custom Search

Modification of printer errors

Modification of printer errors
Based on my personal experience since 1997 ago
I now share so many errors that occur, due to a lack of understanding how a printer can work well after doing the addition of extra cartridge.
some mistakes that I often find
1. installation just installed, (not tested in detail) and Causes a printer to malfunction)
2 each additional unit on a printer, there should be a reduction in the physical printer itself (if this is not done, then the printer will definitely problematic)
3 is his usual done by a lack, an understanding of the printer itself, and the lack of understanding of the purpose of one's customers, installing an additional unit (extra cartridge)
The following code / instructions from canon brand printers, which has been modified and experiencing problems due to installation / addition of exterior cartridge

mp250/258/189 canon printers, error information

 L. E: 02, = paper stuck / jam
check .. (1) on the inside of the hose snagged on mechanics
             (2) the length of hose that is attached does not match the length of the horizontal movement catrige

LL. prints are not good,  This problem often occurs because
(1) the position of the ink distributor hose pinched / folded
(2) cap on the tube is not already open position
(3) hose clogged ink supplier


Custom Search



-11. Adjustment, Periodic Maintenance, Periodic Replacement Parts, and Replacement Consumables by Service Engineer
1-2. Customer Maintenance
1-3. Product Life
1-4. Special Tools

2-1. Operator Call Errors
2-2. Service Call Errors
2-3. Fax Errors
2-4. Other Error Messages
2-5. Warnings
2-6. Troubleshooting by Symptom
2-7. FAX communication troubleshooting

3-1. Notes on Service Part Replacement (and Disassembling / Reassembling)
3-2. Special Notes on Repair Servicing


Custom Search

ink absober full canon ix6560 new problem in code 21x

canon ix6560 new problem cyclec 3times
see more detail

ink absober full canon ix6560 new problem in code 21x

One day, I am fine a printer ix6560 Disorders

by dialing code green and orange lights, illuminated alternately 21 times.
Discover the causes, and its settlement GO

Furge Unit

Damage to the printer canon ix6560 with indicator lights flash alternately green and orange / spinning,   7 times it caused absober is full, because the use of these devices has a maximum, in addition to the device must be dismantled and replace its parts (absober) and also control the unit Logicboard IC must be refreshed, by using a program which particular service tols are issued by the manufacturer of the device itself 7 times Ink absorber full [5B00] [5B01] (1) Ink absorber condition: Replace the ink absorber, and reset the ink absorber counter value in the EEPROM. - Absorber kit ATTENTION!! If you do not have the expertise, in repairs you should not disassemble your device should contact the repair center, which is nearest to your city for the problems in this section shall be handled by the service center we are not responsible in case of 
errors or more

 and step by step intruction  the Absorber full  problem ,cyclec blingking 7 times

Download File Original Resetter IX6560 



Canon BJC 1000/2100sp
This printer is a long production.
but until now still in use by some agencies, such as notaries and other lawyers.
they have a specific reason to continue using the brand Canon BJC 1000/2100sp types.

What if the printer is experiencing a problem, for example:
Absorber full.

find the solution to the problem here




    Custom Search

Analisa errors Canon IX6560

1-2. Operator Call Error (by Alarm LED Lit in Orange) Troubleshooting Errors and warnings are displayed by the following ways: 1. Operator call errors are indicated by the Alarm LED lit in orange, and messages are displayed on the printer driver Status Monitor. 2 times No paper in the rear tray. Set the paper in the rear tray, and press the Resume/Cancel button. If the error is not cleared,confirm that no foreign material is inside the paper feed slot. - PE sensor board ass'y - ASF unit - Pressure roller unit 3 times Paper jam. [1300] Remove the jammed paper and press the Resume/Cancel button. - ASF unit - Pressure roller unit 4 times Ink may have run out. Replace the applicable ink tank, or press the Resume/Cancel button to clear the error without ink tank replacement. When the error is cleared by pressing the Resume/Cancel button, ink may run out during printing. - Spur unit Ink tank not installed. - Ink tank - Carriage unit 5 times Print head not installed, or not properly installed. Install the print head properly. If the error is not cleared, confirm that the print head contact pins of the carriage are not bent. - Print head - Carriage unit Faulty print head Service Call Error (by Cyclic Blinking of Alarm and Power LEDs) blinking of Alarm and Power LEDs Error Error 2 times Carriage error (1) Smearing or scratches on the carriage slit film: Clean the film using lint-free paper. (2) Foreign material that obstructs the carriage movement: Remove foreign material. (3) Ink tank conditions:Re-set the ink tanks. 3 times Line feed error [6000] (1) Smearing or scratches on the LF slit film: Clean the LF slit film using lintfree paper. (2) Foreign material in the LF drive: Remove foreign material. (3) Cable connection Re-connect the cables. If any damage or breakage of the cable is found, replace the cable. 4 times Purge cam sensor error Foreign material around the purge drive system unit: Remove foreign material. (2) Cable connection: - LF encoder cable - Purge drive system unit - Logic board ass'y 5 times ASF (cam) sensor error (1) Cable connection: - PE sensor cable, etc.Re-connect the cable. - ASF unit - PE sensor board ass'y - Logic board ass'y 6 times Internal temperature error (1) Cable connection: - Between the spur unit and the logic board, J703 connector, etc.Re-connect the cable. - Spur unit - Logic board ass'y - Print head
